Happy New Year 2019 Y'all! Here are 15 facts about New Year. Don't miss the Bonus Fact...

happy new year 2019

First of all Happy New Year to all of you! On this day of New Year or Feast Day, everyone is celebrating it with enjoyment and hope that the Year 2019 will be better for you and make your dreams true this year.
Everyone in the world celebrates new year but why do they do it all year? any idea? Here, I will tell some interesting and amazing facts about the new year... 

Fact #1:
 Ethiopia has 13 months, is still in the year 2005, and celebrates New Years on September 11.
ethiopia map

Fact #2:
In Italy, people wear red underwear on New Year's day as a symbol of good luck for the upcoming year.
ryan reynolds

Fact #3:
In 1582, after the reform of the Gregorian calendar, Pope Gregory XIII re-established January 1 st as New Year’s Day. Source
pope gregory XIII and gregorian calendar

Fact #4:
The New Year begins in the springtime. You just worshipping the Roman God Janus (January).

Fact #5:
On New Year's Eve, 1999, Brad Pitt rented a Mexican Resort, filled it with his friends and at midnight had the Government cut off the power and phone lines and send in the troops to raid the compound and "arrest" one of his best friends on drug charges - all as a practical joke!

bradd pitt gif

Fact #6:
The New Year's Eve Confetti in NYC is literally made of people's hope and dreams. The Times Square Visitor center wall is open year round for people who put Post-Its up with their next-year wishes. Those wishes are made into confetti, and 1000 of dreams flutter across Times Square as the ball drops.

Fact #7:
There is a 1000-year-long song in the making known as "Longplayer". The song began on Jan. 1 2000 and will continue until Dec. 31, 2999, where it will come back to the starting point of the song.
Learn more about it here.

Fact #8:
Only 1.5% of people succeed into new year resolution made by themselves, and 5% of people succeed when others make a resolution for them.
christian bale gif

Fact #9:
In Colombia, Cuba and Puerto Rico, some families stuff a large doll, which is called Mr. Old Year, with memories from the past year. They also dress him in clothes from the outgoing year. At midnight, he is set ablaze, thus burning away the bad memories.
mr old year

Fact #10:
Samoa and Kiritimati (Christmas Island), part of Kiribati, will be the 1st places to welcome New Year while American Samoa and Baker island in the United States of America are among the last.

samoa and kiritimati

Fact #11:
In Thailand, Burma, Srilanka, Cambodia, and Lao, the Buddhist New Year is celebrated for three days.

thailand map

Fact #12:
New year's resolution traditions date back 4000 years.
The ancient Babylonians made a yearly oath to the gods to pay their debts and return anything borrowed.
acient babylon

Fact #13:
Chinese New year starts a new animal's Zodiac year.
Read more about Chinese Zodiac

chinese zodiac

Fact #14:
The first Times Square New Year's party was thrown for the opening of the New York Times building in 1904.

first NYC times square party

Fact #15:
 83% of Americans, spend less than $200 on New Year's Eve celebrations.

Well, Here comes the "Bonus Fact!"
You are going to achieve what you want and will be your better version on this New Year 2019.
Now that's the Fact you need to remember...
Also, comment down your New Year Resolution if you have one.

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