Some Surprising Facts you need to know right now!! The Last one is Interesting!

December 18, 2018

What is a Fact?

When any "Fact" is told to you by someone, you believe in it because it is the REALITY no matter whether it is an animal fact, facts about humans, weird facts or something else.

So, the definition of Fact according to Wikipedia is: 

"A fact is a thing that is known to be consistent with objective reality and can be proven to be true with evidence. For example, "this sentence contains words" is a linguistic fact, and "the sun is a star" is a cosmological fact." 
Yes, a fact can be proved if you have a piece of evidence for it otherwise, it's useless to tell people anything you don't know or don't have evidence to prove it.
So, let's move onto some surprising and interesting facts you need to know right now!


Fact no 1:

china market

China contains about 350 million people who use cigarettes. they also consume about 40% of all the cigarettes on earth.

Fact no 2:

steve carell fistbump
"The Office" was almost canceled, but "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" saved it by making Steve Carell a huge star.
By the way, Steve Carell is one of the Best Actor and Best Comedian.

Fact no 3:

neurowear headphones to read mind

A company called Neurowear is developing headphones that read your brainwaves and select music based on your state of mind.
Now that's called an Innovation in Technology! 

Fact no 4:

brocolli on table
Per calorie, broccoli has more protein than beef.
Fitness freaks, head over to the Broccoli!

Fact no 5:

mad honey bottle


There's a type of honey that's nicknamed "Mad Honey", which causes Hallucinations. Honey hunters in Nepal make dangerous vertical climbs to harvest it since it sells for $60-$80 pounds.

Fact no 6:

jonah hill gif


There's a school that allows students to do whatever they want. No curriculum. No tests or Homework. No classes unless requested. 82% of these students get accepted to college, as opposed to the 63% national public school average. 
That's the school everyone wanted!!

Fact no 7:

keanu reeves woah gif


There has only been one underwater submarine vs submarine battle, ever. 

Fact no 8:

gordan ramsey chef gif

The most difficult word to translate is 'Ilunga'. It means "a person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to tolerate it a second time, but never a third time".
So, these were some surprising and interesting facts to know.
Please share and comment below for any fact you know.

For more facts like this visit here.

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